The collective monograph has been recognized as one of the 10 most significant achievements in science in 2021 by Latvian Academy of Sciences.
- Balodis, R., & Danovskis, E., Problems of the functionality of collegial government institutions during the COVID-19 pandemic and solutions for the future, Journal of the University of Latvia "Law"
- Barānovs, O., Salmiņš, J. & Skribāne, I., Productivity Factors and Dynamics in Latvia, University of Latvia conference proceedings "New Challenges and Business Development 2021"
- Bistrova, J., Lace, N., & Kasperovica, L. (2021), Enterprise Crisis-Resilience and Competitiveness. Sustainability, 13(4), 2057
- Bogdanova, O., The role if infrastructure development in the competitiveness of a country, University of Latvia conference proceedings "New Challenges and Business Development 2021"
- D. Stefenberga, Factors of the Regional Competitiveness in Kurzeme, Proceedings of 15th International Conference "Social Sciences for Regional Development 2020", Daugavpils University
- Danovskis, E., Perspectives of the use of videocalls in communication bettween the government and private persons, Latvijas Universitātes 2021. gada starptautiskās konferences tiesību zinātnes sekcijas rakstu krājums
- Edited by I. Pilvere (team of 29 authors), Restructuring local food chains and strengthening resilience during crisis and post-crisis in Latvia, SIA Drukātava, Jelgava, 2021, 464 p. = Vietējo pārtikas ķēžu pārstrukturizēšana un noturības stiprināšana krīzes un pēckrīzes laikā Latvijā. (2021). Autoru kolektīvā zinātniskā monogrāfija, galvenā redaktore Irina Pilvere, Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte un Dārzkopības institūts, SIA Drukātava, Jelgava, 464 lpp.
- Gunta Grinberga-Zalite; Irina Pilvere; Aina Muska; Zenija Kruzmetra, Resilience of Meat Supply Chains during and after COVID-19 crisis, Emerging Science Journal. Vol. 5, No. 1, February, 2021, pp. 57–66
- Inese Āboliņa, 360 degrees overview of Presidential Veto in Latvia, European Consortium for Political Research General Conference, 30.08.2021., Presidential Leadership: Personality, Accountability and Governance in Democracy and Autocracy section, New Perspectives on Presidential Power: Meaning, Measures and Political Practice
- Inese Āboliņa, Digitālā transformācija aviācijas nozarē: Covid-19 laikā iegūtās mācības, lai modernizētu un automatizētu procesus starptautiskajā lidostā Rīga, LU Konference, LU 79. konference 04.03.2021., Riga, Latvia, Latvijas tautsaimniecības potenciāla saglabāšana un konkurētspējas pieauguma veicināšana pēc pandēmijas krīzes section
- Inese Āboliņa, Study of touchless airport focusing on airport passengers' satisfaction. Emerging Trends in Economics, Culture and Humanities, 22.04.2021., Riga, Latvia, EMERGING TRENDS IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION, MARKETING AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP section
- Inese Āboliņa, Andžela Veselova, Remote Work: the Necessity of Today, 13th International Scientific Conference New Challenges of Economic and Business Development 2021: Post-Crisis Economy, 14.05.2021.
- Kasperovica L., Lace N., 2021, Factors influencing companies’ positive financial performance in digital age: a Meta-Analysis, Journal: "Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues"
- Krasnopjorovs Olegs, Kovalovs Konstantins (2021), Productivity Analysis of Latvian Companies Using Orbis Database”. In conference proceedings “New Challenges in Economic and Business Development, University of Latvia, 14 May 2021, pp. 227–236.
- Krasnopjorovs Oļegs, Kovaļovs Konstantīns (2021), Valsts atbalsta kritēriji uzņēmumiem no produktivitātes veicināšanas aspekta, Monogrāfijā “Latvijas tautsaimniecība pandēmijas ēnā un pēckrīzes izrāviena iespējas”
- Kruzmetra, Z., & Bite, D., Review on the consumers` response to the Covid-19 crisis in Latvia, 22nd International Scientific Conference ECONOMIC SCIENCE FOR RURAL DEVELOPMENT 2021, 11-14 May 2021, Jelgava, Latvia conference proceedings
- L. Azena, The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on business in the Latvian economic sector/abstract of the 15 th international science regional development 2020 conference (Daugavpils University)
- Oganisjana, K., Lace, N., Putting into action crisis-driven business solutions during COVID-19 pandemic/ Proceedings of the 12th International Multi-Conference on Complexity, Informatics and Cybernetics (IMCIC 2021), 9–12 March 2021, pp. 89-93, ISBN: 978-1-950492-50-3 (Volume II), Pētījumu rezultātu par COVID-19 ietekmi uz uzņēmumu uzvedību apkopošana papildu referātos konferencēs, IMIC2021 (marts)
- Ostrovska, I., Rivža, B., Aleksejeva, L., & Maksimčika, I., Tūrisma nozares izaicinājumi Latgalē pandēmijas COVID-19 laikā, Journal Social Sciences Bulleten, Daugavpils University
- Pilvere, I., Upite, I., Muska, A., Nipers, A., & Janmere, L., Resilience of Milk Supply Chains During and After COVID-19 Crisis in Latvia, Rural Sustainability Reserach
- Reinholde I., Āboliņa I., Stučka M. (2021), Local State-Society Relations in Latvia, In: Teles F., Gendźwiłł A., Stănuș C., Heinelt H. (eds) Close Ties in European Local Governance. Palgrave Studies in Sub-National Governance. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
- Šteinbuka, I., Barānovs, O., Malnačs, N., & Austers, A., Socio-economic implications of the coronavirus pandemic in Latvia, University of Latvia conference proceedings "New Challenges and Business Development 2021"